On Sunday Thetford AC seniors went to Ely to take part in a sprint triathlon consisting of a 300m pool swim, 20k bike and a 5k run. Along side the seniors, two of Thetford AC juniors competed in the Junior Aquathon consisting of a 150m swim and approximately a 800m run. In the senior event …
Monthly Archive: August 2017
Aug 08
Thetford Athletes on a winning streak
On Friday 4th August,18 Thetford AC members were out in force taking part in the local fun Wibbly Wobbly Log Jog, a fun 5 mile run hosted by Brandon Furn Hoppers in Thetford Forest, Highlodge. Kevin Vaughan was first home for the club in 4th place with a time of 31:30 minutes, shortly followed by …